In Mumbai, testicular sperm aspiration, or TESA, is a modern sperm extraction technique. Males with azoospermia can benefit from this treatment.

Azoospermia is a disorder in which there is not enough sperm in the ejaculate. Reconstructive surgery or donor insemination were historically the only methods for treating azoospermia. However, due to advancements in ART techniques, TESA has become an accessible option to many men. TESA is now easily available at an IVF centre in Mumbai.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) through TESA has enabled many azoospermic men to become biological fathers in recent years. Your sperms are drawn from your testis or epididymis during these procedures.

Your IVF clinic will advise you to undergo a surgical sperm extraction procedure:

  • If the testicles are not producing enough sperm or if you have non-obstructive azoospermia.
  • When the sperms get blocked from accessing the semen, this is known as obstructive azoospermia.

Infertility can be hindered by sperm production that is too poor. In these conditions, TESA is proving to be a game-changer in extracting sperm directly from the testis.

Your specialist will suggest TESA if you have non-obstructive azoospermia, which means you cannot get sperm from your epididymis.

TESA is very effective, but most people in Mumbai are concerned about the pain.

Before we look at whether TESA is painful, let us look at how it is done.

What is the procedure for TESA?

The specialist will begin by giving you anesthesia. After that, a needle is inserted into the testis. The tissue and semen are aspirated using negative pressure. In the embryology lab, the sample is analysed to extract the sperm cells.

To fertilize an egg, the sperm cells do not need to be mature and pass across the epididymis. Since your testicular sperm are immature, you will need ICSI, which involves extracting just one sperm from your blood and injecting it directly into the egg.

If TESA does not produce enough sperm, you will need a testicular biopsy.

There are several theories and questions about the use of genetic material to create sperm cells. There is even a risk that the cause of your infertility could affect your child as well.

Is TESA a painful procedure?

TESA can cause some discomfort for a few days, but it is not a painful treatment. It is performed under local anesthesia or sedation. Moreover, you do not have to stay in the hospital after the procedure.

There will be some discomfort and swelling around the injection site, which may feel like a pinprick. Also, your doctor might prescribe pain relievers for a day or two.

The doctor will advise you to relax on the day of the treatment. After that, you should avoid carrying heavy weights for about a week. After a week, you can return to your normal routine and perform all activities, including exercising, lifting weights, and so on. TESA has proven to be very beneficial in treating male infertility.

Now that you know that TESA is painful let us look at some of the advantages of getting it done.

Benefits of TESA

The below are some of the benefits of TESA.

  • TESA is a simple procedure
  • It is a non-surgical sperm retrievaltechnique
  • You do not require extensive preparation before the treatment

Now that you have learned about the benefits, let us see if the treatment has any drawbacks.

What are the TESA side effects?

There are no long-term adverse effects from the treatment.

Though they are uncommon, anesthesia’s side effects are well-known, and you should always be aware of them. Anesthetic agents may induce vomiting, nausea, and other symptoms on the treatment day, but these symptoms typically go away after six to eight hours.

Do not be worried about the pain if you are considering TESA. Consult your specialist; he or she will walk you through the process. They would also ensure that you are comfortable before and after the TESA procedure.

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