If you or your partner experience fertility issues know that you are not alone. Infertility is more widespread than you think.

It affects about 1 in every 6 couples. Also, around 1 in every 3 cases is because of infertility in the male partner.

There are a few things that men can do to increase the chances of conceiving. You can boost fertility by eating healthy, adding supplements, and lifestyle changes.

Here are 5 science proven ways to increase your sperm count and treat your infertility problem:

Exercise regularly

You may already know that exercise is good for general health. But, did you know that it can also boost your testosterone levels and improve fertility?

Men who regularly exercise have greater semen quality and higher testosterone levels than inactive men.

Remember, do not exercise too much, because this can have an opposite effect and minimize testosterone levels. If you do not have time for exercise but want to increase fertility, try increasing your other physical activities.

Get enough vitamin C

You might know about vitamin C’s ability to boost the immune system. Did you know that vitamin C and other antioxidant supplements can improve fertility as well? 

Consuming vitamin C supplements can increase your sperm count and motility. It can also minimize the number of deformed sperm cells. Some studies show that vitamin C supplements can improve the quality of semen as well.

Relax and reduce stress

Stress can reduce your sexual activity and harm your fertility. While you need medications for severe or unknown anxiety, mild forms of stress can minimize using some relaxation methods. 

Managing your stress can be as simple as exercising, meditating, taking a walk in nature or spending time with family and friends.

Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for both male and female fertility. It is another nutrient that can increase testosterone levels in your body. A high level of vitamin D contributes to greater sperm motility. However, studies are not enough to prove this effect.

Intake enough zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral found in foods, such as fish, meat, eggs, and shellfish. Consuming enough zinc is one of the cornerstones of male fertility.

Zinc deficiency contributes to poor sperm quality, low testosterone levels, and a high chance of male infertility.

Consuming zinc supplements can boost your testosterone levels and sperm count, especially if you are zinc deficient. Also, taking zinc supplements can increase testosterone levels which may reduce due to excessive high-intensity exercise.

Some More Tips to Increase your Sperm Count

Tips for Sperm Count

You can do a lot of things to boost your fertility, but what helps you depends on your cause of infertility. Remember that fertility and libido generally go side by side with your regular health. That is why; anything that can improve your complete health is also likely to increase your fertility levels.

Here are 8 extra tips to increase your fertility and sperm count/quality:

  • Form a healthy lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle can harm your complete health, including your fertility.
  • Obesity often contributes to infertility. If your doctor finds out that weight might be the cause of your infertility, make weight loss your goal.
  • Do not drink too much alcohol. It can harm semen quality and reduce testosterone levels.
  • Make sure you get enough folate. Some studies show that low consumption of folate can minimize semen quality.
  • Getting enough sleep is vital to maintaining good health. However, too much or less sleep can also lead to low semen quality.
  • Consume a lot of antioxidant-rich foods, like walnuts; it may benefit fertility.
  • Antioxidant supplements are also beneficial. Some studies suggest that coenzyme Q10 might improve semen quality.
  • Try not to over-eat soy. Soy has isoflavones, which can contribute to low semen quality. 

Infertility is a common issue and affects many men. If you are having fertility issues, focus on improving your overall health. There is no guarantee that your infertility is due to your lifestyle.

 If a lack of nutrients or low testosterone levels is contributing to infertility, then the lifestyle tips we suggested might help. However, if your infertility problem is due to an underlying condition, then you might require IVF or ICSI treatments.

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